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8:00 AM

7.5 mi

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Nice tapering long run today. Originally in my long term taper plans I was gonna do just 7 this weekend but it seemed too low so i opted for 7.5. Dont typically do this route cause its like 6.3 from the school so it was always an awkward distance so we would never do it cause in high school we usually got to pick what route we do and we never wanted to do one that was that long if we were going 6, but it's about exactly 7 from where I park my car when i run my high school routes. Added on to hit 7.5 on this one route the boys team does the day before confrence every year called the frontage road route. My high school is on this street (schaumburg road) that parallel to the high school runs this other road thats separated from schaumburg road by basically a little bit thicker than a normal median mainly to separate the houses on that road from schaumburg road and schaumburg high school traffic. The boys team for this route crosses the street, runs the frontage road and then comes back so they run like a half a mile that day lol which explains why I can count on one hand the amount of runners from the boys team that have qualified for sectionals in the past 5 years but thats none of my business (Disclaimer: they got a new head coach this year who was the old hoffman estates girls coach and he has since put a stop to things like that and improving their training so they are getting better). For one stretch of this route the wind was at my back and the sun was in my face so i was lowkey getting kinda hot but then, I saw it. A sprinkler in someones yard. I was gonna run through it but when i ran past it it was facing towards someones yard and not the sidewalk and i didnt want to run on someones lawn so i just stuck my hand in it.

Last night I caved into peer pressure from multiple runner friend groups and made a strava account. Probably wont use it too much cause Ill primarily log here but any runs I use my watch for will upload automatically to that. I finished my puzzle yesterday for the most part by myself. If you want to challenge my time it was 1000 pieces done over the span of 43.5 hours. I did it that quick cause my aunt who's obsessed with making sure her son is smarter than me did the puzzle before me so I wanted to destroy their time.

I zoomed my high school runner friends last night and that was fun to catch up with them. I found out my friend ran 15 miles on Wednesday just cause she was bored so Brisa has a bored runner challenger lol. Another random thought, my run felt good today and was a little faster than my normal long runs and I ate a whole pint of ice cream last night so maybe Anneliese is on to something



Sometimes the ice cream thing works out lol. I remember one time I was going back and forth between events at school and all I ate for dinner was ice cream and then I went to 10pm track practice haha


I ate cheesecake and tiramisu before Sean Berber and it worked out lol. Real talk tho what flavor of ice cream?


Ben and jerrys the tonight dough, only the best haha