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4:40 PM

1 mi

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Graces miracle mile workout! 100 200 300 400 300 200 100 which is supposed to be your perfect mile. I said i wasnt gonna do the math but i did the math and my splits equal 5 flat if youre curious. Weve been studying outside the past couple days, really digging the weather

Yesterday Brisa wanted to do 800s at night so naturally the 2 of us snuck onto the varsity track, its so gorgeous. I was laying on the block I where i presume a lot of other people will be lying on in the future (due to exhaustion but besides the point) and layed there and star gazed, the sky is really cool from the track. We also heard this horse shriek and thought it was someone screaming so we got scared but it was ok



MaryBeth Feeley

how does the workout work/what are the calculations?


You run each rep almost all out and the distance adds to a mile and then you just add all of your splits and its supposed to be your miracle mile time

MaryBeth Feeley

ohh interesting. Would be quite the miracle