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9:15 AM

6.5 mi

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Run with Brisa and Audrey today in Brisa's home town. She showed us her high school and then took us to a forest preserve. There was a lot of cool grass trails, and bridges. We found this cool covered bridge over a creek and once we crossed it we went down to the creek and found a fake bait fish and gave it a proper burial. Then she took us through this park with cool landscaping and a mini waterfall and we switched from the trails to a bike path where we saw this giant tower that you can go in so naturally we climbed to the top. From the inside in the top theres a really cool water view and you can see the whole town (which isnt a lot but you can see a lot more land than just the town too). All the nature and stuff is kinda dead cause its winter but i bet it looks even cooler in the summer. Then audrey had to go to the bathroom so we found a nature center building and i swang on the swings (and a baby swing) while we waited for her. Then we found our way back towards civilization and Brisa showed us the 'downtown' Mahomet. It was cool cause it was all dressed up for Christmas. We ran past a house that had a TON of christmas decorations it was cool. Then there was this parked truck that had a man waving on it, so naturally i ran up to it and gave him a high five (and side note jumped to do it and hit my knee on the part you would hook up to something to tow it (it is sunday people)). So our 5 mile run turned into 6.5 but it didnt even feel like that long and it was cool. Would definitely recommend going for a nature photoshoot



This is so pure I so glad you guys all had fun