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4:40 PM

1 mi

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4x300 at about 1500 but they were 56 59 60 55 so a little quicker but it was a great workout. Hung onto maggie the whole time and i felt like i was cruisin

I was trying to prove to lauren my phone couldnt update cause i waited too long to update it (it was on ios 10) and to prove to her that an error message came up everytime i tried to update it, i tried to do it but it actually started updating this time. Took 2.5 hours but we are now on Ios 14.6. Here are some fun facts from the last time i updated my phone:

- Cubs had not won world series

- Obama was president

- Leonel was a freshman in college

- I did not know how to drive

- Popular songs were one dance, cheap thrills, and hello

- Clowns were chasing people

So yeah, its been a while

Also Justin Fields getting drafted by the Bears 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻



what a timeline lol