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12:00 PM

6 km


6:57 mi

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Decent day cause course was allegedly long. I just wanted to do well for Grace today and that kept me going. Frustrated with some of the times ive ran this season cause i know im capable of more, but its ok cause there were a lot of factors getting back into racing again that were re-broken in this season

I usually write a big long log for the end of the season about the successes and failures. This season had a lot of weird and unique challenges to it that made it hard to stay motivated in spots and get back into race mentality, post covid restrictions, so i think my adaptability was a win. Gotta attribute that to my running group though, shoutout to Brisa, Grace, Bridget, Wilma, mabbs, Annika, Kelly, and Aaron. I felt like i was working just as hard as in seasons past, but for some reason i just wasn’t hitting the times I should, but thats ok. Its ok to have a down season and not always be at your peak, cause thats what running is all about. Trust the process.

Its crazy to me to think that ive done xc since i was 9 I now only have one more season of left in college now. Thats wild. Excited for this track season though, switching it up to mid D! I think the change in training and scenery will be good for me and Im excited for the next season ahead!

Might add another big log to this post, we will see. Also be on the lookout cause brisa said she was gonna drop her once a semester log pretty soon



Proud of you and your performances this season Mikeelie! I know it is hard when you don't get the times you quite hoped for, but I know that with your dedication to training and positive attitude, you'll be crushing your times real soon. Looking forward to seeing you race in track!

Lauren Bartels

Way to go, I know it was a tough season but you raced smart and you have a great outlook. Excited to see what you can do in track!

Leonel Rodriguez

Great season, mikeelie! You really fought through a lot this year and handled all well (and speedily!) Thanks for being such a great training partner <3

- GG (I am too lazy to switch to my account lol)


Thanks guys <3