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10:15 AM

0.5 mi


5:10 mi

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Took a lot of thinking to put into words how this race felt. Very bittersweet day. Great time trial, pretty happy with how i did, got to see the homies, but its the last race/time trial of the season and may be the last time seeing some of the seniors.

Was really happy to get to race with Annie Wilma and Maggie in the 800. I feel like we never had a solid go at it together all season so i was happy i got to work with them. Me and Wilma were strategizing a bit the day before, and since i like to turn it over second half and she more is about starting quick, we decided overall to hang onto Maggie but Wilma was gonna try and take it out around a 75 and I would try to pick it up second half. Wilma took us out in about a 77 so fairly close, but i was like “aight gotta hold up my end of the deal” and turned it over at about the 250 to go mark. Ended up with a 2:35 and not that far behind Annie which was lit. Best performance of the season, too bad its the last of the season cause I think it was a solid strategy. Just makes me more excited for XC though

Lots of good came out of this season despite its challenges. We got to race again!!! Despite the chaos of some of the races (lookin at you st cloud) it was a really fun season. I learned how to take caffeine properly which will definitely help during XC, and I learned how to recover. I always knew going slower on easy runs would be beneficial, but I never had the guts to actually do it cause “it felt kinda ok going that fast”

This next week im gonna do some fun runs like a Jarlings run and a playground run (now that its vaccine girl summer ;) ) and then ill take a couple weeks off maybe starting later in the week, maybe starting when I go home, we will see. Excited for XC training this summer, now that i know my body can handle higher mileage, I definitely want to get a strong endurance base (but not go too heavy on the mileage and intensity obviously) but im excited for the process. I feel like every season I learn more about running, and this season I definitely think I learned a lot, and am excited to put it to the test

The circuit training i was doing this season wasnt always ideal compared to a gym, but i think it definitely helped and once the gyms are safer, ill make the transition back to real lifting to get real swole. The leg press machine is calling my name 😫

Thank you to all the homies for making it a great season, love yall



nice 800! Can't wait for vaccine girl summer and xc


and f*ck st cloud even tho that was a WEEKEND


great strategy and race!! Ah yes I feel that going easy on easy days is so nice cuz then your body is fully recovered for the workout days. I can't wait for xc with ya!