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8:45 AM

6 mi

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Good run today. Felt really gross in the beginning, everything is really sore from the speed workout so it was a little rough but started feeling better towards the end. Today on my run i heard the schaumburg clock tower ring for the first time, all this time i thought it just didnt ever ring lol. I also ran past the retirement home and it made me glad that i dont do 7 miles very often because the only 7 mile route we have was made up by me my teammate and my coach who was biking with us a couple summers ago and you have to cut through the inside of the retirement home for the route so we wouldn't really be able to do it right now. Its a cool retirement home it has a go-cart track in it


Lauren Bartels

Is it the one in the comercials where they say "grandma's in a better place now," and then cut to grandma on a go-cart?


Yep thats the one 😂


did you ever really see the lockness monster on this route ??


We've seen a lockness monster looking figure but we can neither confirm nor deny it was actually the lockness monster


Sounds like my kind of retirement home