Run: Easy Previous Next


4:10 PM

6 mi

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Watchless run. Dont know the pace but felt really good and smooth. Me and Brisa did our traditional singing of Thirsty Thursday, we are getting good at the yodels. We mustve looked like we were going to the water park cause I had my guard wind breaker on and she had my guard visor that has a face shield on it.

Yesterday during me and Brisas class that we have together we cuddled and sang the songs they were playing during class it was fun. Also shoutout to my MCB 247 TA who is the real MVP, we have a test next week and yesterday during her hour long office hours she made everything like click it was great. Theres also a ton of assignments for this class and today she sent an email telling us what day to do what assignments it was great it helped me be organized and stuff.

Last night I had a dream me and the rest of 706 were eligible for the vaccine but we had to get it given to us on our knees in our kitchen and administered by Brisa. The vaccine in this dream was also 40 shots to the vein of your hand. I dont have a fear of shots or anything so idk the significance of this dream but it was funny




Lauren Bartels

What a weird dream, I want someone to interpret it