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1:30 PM

0.5 mi


5:18 mi

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what a weekend oh boy. So we got a little late start on Friday instead of 11:30 we left campus at noon but it worked out cause we still beat everyone to the olive garden for dinner. We listened to some country music and the illini win of course, and had to call 911 on I-39 cause the grass in between the highway was on fire randomly so that was a little strange. Olive garden was lit we had to be bad catholics and eat meat on a friday in lent but it was good food. We get to the hotel and the hotel is a little sketch but it was ok. There was this big ass speed bump in the parking lot too, but the stars in clearwater MN were really pretty. Also this is my first time in Minnesota! We got to the hotel at like 9:30 and I facetimed Mahum at 10pm in the hallway and I got yelled at by the manager for talking on the phone in the hallway lmao. But grace clare and I had good convos before bed. Got good sleep for raceday! We went to a gas station called Coburns which was kinda convenient cause it was pronounced like Cockburns so it was funny. We get to the meet, the time schedule was really wack, they allocated an hour for 2 heats of the 400 and said they were gonna follow the schedule but might go ahead so we were confused cause it wasnt a definitive answer. But then they said they were gonna follow it so that was good. It was running smooth but then during the hour allocated to the 400 they were like actually we are gonna go 15 mins ahead of schedule which was confusing but that didn't screw us over that bad compared to the events that were about to unfold. I had my 800, felt good, the track wasnt a real track so i had to do it without spikes in my spikes but 2:39 got me 3rd and a medal so it wasnt horrible but i feel like i could run faster on a real track. So soon is gonna be the trail race 2 mile. The start was 2 miles away from the school and they would end there, so they had to drive to the start line. Only, they didnt give grace and clare the address so they said "follow us there" but the lady left without telling them and they ended up a) starting the 4 person race early and b) with 2 of the 4 people missing. Grace and Clare were livid as they should be. Long story short, they let them do it on the track and count their time, but again it was on a crusty track and the outdoor racers had the wind behind them the whole time. We think it was a cheating effort by st cloud cause of their inferior distance squad which is why the mile was also cancelled i think but oh well. Guys won and we got second cause of that incident, but overall it was a fun time. It was good to bond with the sprinters more. Also they were supposed to cater us food and said "sike we aint doing that" so it was 5:30pm and I had eaten like 500 total calories so i was super hungry. We got burgers from this place in a cute downtown area of st cloud and ate it at the hotel. We had aspirations in the morning of going to mall of america or run to the Mississippi river when the meet was over but we were so tired and didnt feel like doing that so we went to DQ instead and roasted people on american idol together as a team. After that we went to the hottub and i used the jets to massage out my hip that has been tight and i am typing this out a couple days later and i must say it really helped. Grace dropped her phone in the hottub but it was ok. In the morning we got up and on the road by 8:30 and listened to the house girls fuck men playlist and big bootie volumes 15-18 and listened to the sad basketball game. We had to pullover cause clare spilled her smoothie all over the car and then we went to this cute gift shop in eau claire for tshirts on the way back. We had some good country music vibe sessions, got subway, and said hi to the burnt grass from the way up to minnesota but overall it was a really fun trip. Im glad i got some good bonding time with the sprinters. Patrick also announced despite st clouds best efforts, they will not be allowed at club relays next year



we went to hell and back this weekend lol. But it was such a fun weekend!

Lauren Bartels

Hahaha take that St. Cloud! Sounds like there were parts that were stressful but I'm glad you made it through and it definitely makes for some good stories


this has gotta be the best log >>> whatta great read and also great job this weekend!! I had so much fun having deep talks with you guys late at night and early in the morn