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8:30 AM

2.5 mi

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800 repeat workout today. Splits were 2:50 2:51 2:50 2:51 2:55 with 3 min rest after first 3 and 4ish minutes after the 4th to give myself time to recover so i could go fast. Pretty consistent except for the last one so not a bad workout. Side note my high school doesn't usually keep the track unlocked and my running buddy is super paranoid about getting in trouble for hopping the fence so we did these around the school which is .48 around so they are a little short but its fine.

I realized that im one of the oldest I can be that the majority of my life thus far was in last decade and thats weird to me. Also I have 2 new jokes for you guys. Where is spaghetti's favorite place to dance? The meat ball. And what is the strongest day of the week? Saturday and sunday because the others are WEAKdays. Get it? Lol ill stop



Just turned 19 and already got dad jokes smh


Ive had dad jokes for a lot longer than that. My high school team used to call me team dad because of it lol


Great workout! haha love these jokes 😂

Audrey Calkins

Ok, I actually couldn't bring myself to even read the jokes because I knew I would cringe so hard. But wow, great job mikeeli those are some jimmy johns quality (get it?) 800s!


Lol thank you. @Audrey youre really not gonna read my bad jokes but make me read your bad joke haha

Audrey Calkins

ok, call me out like that. I just read them, ha. ha. ha. just kidding!2nd one not bad

Julia Schultz

just about to say you should introduce your friend to Audrey for a fence hopping lesson lol, I am also looking to be trained be mastress Calkins