Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:00 AM

2.3 mi

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1 mile warmup then straight into 2x 4min tempo, 1x 2 min tempo with 3 min rest in between each set. Wanted a light VO2 workout for the day and this was good for that. Little nervous cause back of knee hurt when I woke up but it didnt bother me during the run at all. Figured it was just sore from the treading water i did yesterday. My lifeguard training yesterday was weird, I felt so old next to everyone. A lot of them are high schoolers and I told this to my friend whos a junior and she was confused shes like 'this is actually an older crew today'. Hopefully I get that promotion this summer or else Im gonna be one old regular lifeguard XD.

Early run this morning because the Jensens go hard for christmas and christmas eve. First we go bowling christmas eve morning and eat Jarosch coffee cake (the best coffee cake). Then my family and my five cousins come to our house and eat mcdonalds chicken nuggets and fries for lunch and we play board games and chase around my dog for a few hours. Then they leave so we can go to church. Then after church we go to my grandmas house and eat my grandmas world famous lasagna and then we do a danish game called monolgow (def not the right spelling but oh well) but its where everyone takes a scoop of pudding and whoever gets the one almond buried in it wins. But there is suspense cause whoever has it will usually wait a while before they reveal they have it and people without it will pretend they have it (Im good at this even though ive never won). Then we play bunco (Ive only won this once). Then we do another danish tradition where we hold hands and dance around the christmas tree. 14 people dancing around one tree is a tad challenging but we make it work. We sing christmas songs in english and danish. Then we have dessert and open gifts. Then we go home and check the santa tracker to see "where santa is in the world" and go to bed. Then we do more stuff christmas day but ill wait till tomorrow to log that. Fun and eventful span of days


Lauren Bartels

I love Santa tracker!!!


this is a bunch of super cute traditions, now I know you're danish! You missed a nice Danish man last XC szn RIP Khava he's not dead he's just in denmark