Run: Long Previous Next


7:41 AM

12 mi


7:28 mi


153 lb
148 bpm
178 bpm


64 F


9 / 10
7 / 10
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River Roads


6:00 at 10k effort -- not pace but effort

(1:00 jog)

3 x 30 seconds at mile effort

(30 second jogs)

6:00 at 10k effort

(1:00 jog)

1 x 60 seconds at mile effort

This was a tough one. I ran the first mile well and the first half of the second mile but it caught up to me and I couldn't keep the 5:45ish pace. I've never done anything like this before and I could really feel it. I felt more tired on the second one mile than I did on the 5th of 5 1 mile repeats from last weekend. It's funny how that works but I guess that was the point of this workout. It was broken up race simulation and it was good to try this. It hurt but I'm glad I ran ok.
