Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

1.00 mi5:49.605:50Race - Northampton Mile6/16/2012View Race
3.00 mi19:196:27Wall St Run6/18/2014View Race
5.00 km18:41.666:02Al Goldstein Summer Series7/16/2014View Race
4.00 mi25:556:29Jingle Bell Run12/7/2013View Race
5.00 mi30:376:08Team Champs8/2/2014View Race
10.00 km40:52.216:35Queens 10k6/22/2014View Race
8.00 mi58:117:173/25/2012View Race
10.00 mi1:09:436:59Cherry Tree 10mi2/16/2014View Race
Half Marathon1:27:506:43Brooklyn Half5/17/2014View Race
Marathon3:13:16.307:23NYC Marathon 201411/2/2014View Race