Bike: Easy Previous Next




135 lb
170 bpm
195 bpm
60 bpm
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kinda nervous coming into today since i still havent ran since last wednesday. I didnt know what jones would say but he was in a good mood and just said you should bike today, which made me feel better. We shoveled the track for almost an hour before practice. Then i went to bike and jones gave me the heart rate monitor that i had to strap around my chest so it could feel my pulse and i got a watch that told me my heartrate. Jones said to try and stay around 160 for most of the bike. Perilli told me 35 minutes so i did with 5 easy for cooldown. It took a few minutes to get my heartrate up and then it stayed around 170 or so for the rest of the time. I picked it up with like 5 to go to like 180 and in the last minute or two i just killed it and tried to get as high as i could and i hit 195 a the end. It was tough and i sweated a lottt but i really needed a good workout so i guess it was good. I talked to the trainer and also got an appointment with a podiatrist to get my foot looked at on wednesday. Thanks scott tantino for helping me find a good podiatrist
