Run: Easy Previous Next


6:46 PM

4.2 mi


7:24 mi


182.6 lb
170 bpm
188 bpm


55 F


6 / 10
5 / 10
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---Ran a three-second PR on a tough loop to make it back in time for a poker tourney--

Got home later then I wanted to. Rachel was out with some friends, so I decided to get in a quick run before a poker tournament that I wanted to play at 7:25 p.m. I thought if I ran 8-minute pace on the loop, figuring in some random stops plus more time, I could be back around 7:22, take a quick shower and be ready to go. I actually went pretty quick, got back at 7:19, but not up to my place until 7:22. I then showered and only missed one hand.

Back to the run. I was cruising from the beginning, which I guess was a bit surprising. I hit the first mile at 6:51.34, probably in my top three of my fastest first miles in this direction. I wasn’t pushing it at all, but I was trying to go a bit quicker on the downhill since I think I take it too easy on the downhills. I felt pretty good and just kept rolling along.

I started to breathe pretty hard on the uphill right before the second mile, but still crossed it in 14:28, making the 7:37 second mile my fastest ever of the 10 times I’ve run the loop.

I rolled through the downhill portion and finally started to really feel it on the flat part right before the third mile. I covered that in 7:18, my third fastest, and hit the mark in 21:46, 11 seconds ahead of my PR.

My fourth mile, which is roughly 0.30 uphill, was 7:28 (second fastest) and I was still eight seconds ahead at 29:14 heading into the final push.

I ran that at 8:47 pace to PR on the loop by three seconds in 31:10.02. I still count it as a PR, even though my pace was faster by one second on June 5 when the loop measured 4.23 instead of today’s 4.22.

I’m acting like this was a race or a tempo run, but it wasn’t. It was just fun to compare the loops. I put “six” for the effort, but it could have been closer to seven. Pretty good run, but want to do longer tomorrow.

Song: Just Can’t Get Enough (Depeche Mode)

Times on Allied

* 12/02/10 - 4.22 mi. in 31:10.02 (7:24 pace) - 6:51, 7:37 (14:28), 7:18 (21:46), 7:28 (29:14) & 1:56 (31:10) last 0.22 mi. (8:47 pace); AHR: 170/MHR: 188

* 11/17/10 - 4.20 mi. in 32:38.25 (7:47 pace) - 7:07, 8:00 (15:07), 7:36 (22:43), 8:02 (30:45) & 1:53 (32:38) last 0.20 mi. (9:25 pace); AHR: 168/MHR: 191

* 10/18/10 - 4.21 mi. in 33:25.85 (7:57 pace) - 7:13, 8:09 (15:24), 7:47 (23:11), 8:14 (31:25) & 2:01 (33:26) last 0.21 mi. (9:37 pace); AHR: 170/MHR: 187

* 10/11/10 - 4.21 mi. in 32:38.20 (7:46 pace) - 7:19, 7:58 (15:17), 7:35 (22:52), 7:53 (30:45) & 1:53 (32:38) last 0.21 mi. (8:59 pace); AHR: 170/MHR: 192

* 07/05/10 - 4.22 mi. in 31:30.83 (7:29 pace) - 7:07, 7:45 (14:52), 7:05 (21:57), 7:41 (29:38) & 1:53 (31:31) last 0.22 mi. (8:34 pace); AHR: 174/MHR: 198

* 06/05/10 - 4.23 mi. in 31:13.09 (7:23 pace) - 7:12, 7:42 (14:54), 7:04 (21:58), 7:24 (29:22) & 1:53 (31:13) last 0.23 mi. (8:12 pace); AHR: 167/MHR: 188

* 05/07/10 - 4.22 mi. in 33:09.67 (7:52 pace) - 7:23, 8:08 (15:31), 7:26 (22:57), 8:06 (31:03) & 2:08 (33:10) last 0.22 mi. (9:43 pace); AHR: 168/MHR: 187

* 03/03/10 - 4.20 mi. in 33:31.75 (7:59 pace) - 7:14, 8:26 (15:40), 7:49 (23:29), 8:10 (31:39) & 1:55 (33:32) last 0.20 mi. (9:37 pace); AHR: 174/MHR: 194

* 01/11/10 - 4.21 mi. in 33:21.99 (7:56 pace) - 7:25, 8:16 (15:41), 7:41 (23:22), 8:01 (31:23) & 2:00 (33:22) last 0.21 mi. (9:31 pace); AHR: 173/MHR: 188

* 11/08/09 - 4.20 mi. in 33:29.34 (7:59 pace) - 7:22, 8:15 (15:37), 7:44 (23:21), 8:10 (31:31) & 2:00 (33:29) last 0.20 mi. (10:00 pace); AHR: 172/MHR: 192

Past December 2nd’s

2010 - 4.22 mi. in 31:10 (7:24 pace) at 6:46 p.m. in San Diego (Mission Gorge: Allied)

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - 4.56 mi. in 33:33 (7:22 pace) at 1:45 p.m. in San Diego (Ocean Beach: Around the Bays)

2005 - A.M.: 5.10 mi. in 46:20 (9:06 pace) (w/ Mike May) at 7:15 a.m. in Honolulu | P.M.: 5.10 mi. in 48:29 (9:31 pace) (w/ Mike May) at 6:30 p.m. in Honolulu --> TOTAL: 10.20 miles

2004 - ~4.00 mi. in 27:24 (6:51 pace) at 7 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: Random)

2003 - Did not run

2002 - 6.00 mi. in 45:46 (7:38 pace) (w/ Alex, then Sander) at 4 p.m. in Brockport (Random)

2001 - 4.75 mi. in ???? at ???? in Brockport (Random)

2000 - N/A

1999 - N/A
