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8:06 PM

7 mi


7:20 mi


185.8 lb
164 bpm
182 bpm


63 F


6 / 10
7 / 10
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Little Friar's

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---Ran it 1:55 faster than a week ago. Went 7:48, 7:34, 7:23, 7:20, 7:19, 7:05 and 6:52.---

Welp, this run will either make me or break me. I’ll either make the next step to get back to where I was the past few years or be dead for the week and probably get injured again. I drove out to my old place to run Little Friar’s, the same loop I ran last Monday.

I ran it 1:55 faster than last week, which was pretty damn surprising since my legs didn’t feel so hot. After about 0.30 miles, I felt good all of a sudden. I just kept on moving and tried to stay in control. I hit the first mile in 7:48, then the second in a surprising 7:34. Despite thinking I was slowing down the next few miles, I gradually picked it up each mile. My third was 7:23, fourth was 7:20 and fifth was 7:19. Before I knew it, I looked down and saw a 7:05 sixth mile. Oh boy. I knew I’d have to go faster on the last mile and I didn’t disappoint with a 6:52 before finishing up the 0.03 miles after.

I’m pretty happy with this run. I guess I have to go with six on effort because the last two miles I lengthened my stride out a bit, but I still felt in control. The first five miles were basically a breeze, the sixth a surprise and the final mile like any other final mile when you are feeling good. The best part is that I went 1:55 faster than last week, but my heart rate was six beats lower on average (164-170) and my max was two beats lower (182-184). I really, really hope this run doesn’t hurt me. Tomorrow will be a recovery run on flat ground. Good start to my week with my goal to hit 33.54 in six runs.

Song: Get Away (O.A.R.)

Stops: 3 (2.47 - stoplight, 5.86 - stoplight, 6.72 - stoplight)

Times on Little Friar’s

* 06/27/11 - 7.03 mi. in 51:30.57 (7:20 pace) - 7:48, 7:34 (15:22), 7:23 (22:45), 7:20 (30:05), 7:19 (37:24), 7:05 (44:29) & 7:02 (51:31) last 1.03 (6:50 pace); AHR: 164/MHR: 182; Weight - 185.8

* 06/20/11 - 7.03 mi. in 53:26.34 (7:37 pace) - 7:43, 7:43 (15:26), 7:36 (23:02), 7:41 (30:43), 7:39 (38:22), 7:32 (45:54) & 7:32 (53:26) last 1.03 (7:19 pace); AHR: 170/MHR: 184; Weight - 186.4

* 01/10/11 - 7.01 mi. in 51:10:00 (7:18 pace) - 7:50, 7:31 (15:21), 7:09 (22:30), 7:21 (29:51), 7:19 (37:10), 7:09 (44:19) & 6:51 (51:10) last 1.01 (6:47 pace); AHR: 166/MHR: 185; Weight - 182.4

* 05/10/10 - 7.02 mi. in 53:20.15 (7:36 pace) - 7:40, 7:40 (15:20), 7:35 (22:55), 7:35 (30:30), 7:39 (38:09), 7:34 (45:43) & 7:37 (53:20) last 1.02 (7:29 pace); AHR: 171/MHR: 182; Weight - 181.0

* 04/28/08 - 7.03 mi. in 50:04.92 (7:08 pace) - 7:14, 7:15 (14:29), 7:00 (21:29), 7:09 (28:38), ~7:09 (35:47), ~7:09 (42:56) & 7:09 (50:05) last 1.03 (6:57 pace)

* 01/15/08 - 7.03 mi. in 49:10.46 (7:00 pace)

* 01/07/08 - 7.03 mi. in 47:53.08 (6:49 pace) - 7:10, 7:14 (14:24), 6:53 (21:17), 6:56 (28:13), ~6:38 (34:51), ~6:38 (41:29) & 6:24 (47:53) last 1.03 (6:13 pace)

* 01/04/08 - 7.03 mi. in 48:55.05 (6:58 pace) - 7:18, 7:14 (14:32), 6:57 (21:29), 7:03 (28:32), ~6:54 (35:26), ~6:54 (42:20) & 6:35 (48:55) last 1.03 (6:24 pace)

* 12/23/07 - 7.03 mi. in 53:10.00 (7:34 pace)

* 12/20/07 - 7.03 mi. in 49:43.59 (7:05 pace) - 7:07, 7:08 (14:15), 7:00 (21:15), 7:07 (28:22), ~7:11 (35:33), ~7:12 (42:45) & 6:59 (49:44) last 1.03 (6:47 pace)

* 11/26/07 - 7.03 mi. in 50:33.59 (7:12 pace)

* 11/22/07 - 7.03 mi. in 50:18.48 (7:10 pace) - 7:12, 7:14 (14:26), 7:04 (21:30), 7:08 (28:38), 7:11 (35:49), 7:10 (42:59) & 7:19 (50:18) last 1.03 (7:07 pace)

* 11/16/07 - 7.03 mi. in 50:49.58 (7:14 pace) - 7:27, 7:23 (14:50), 7:08 (21:58), 7:13 (29:11), 7:21 (36:32), 7:09 (43:41) & 7:09 (50:50) last 1.03 (6:57 pace)

* 11/12/07 - 7.03 mi. in 50:16:13 (7:10 pace)

* 06/24/07 - 7.03 mi. in 50:36.00 (7:12 pace) - 7:34, 7:23 (14:57), 7:22 (22:19), 7:19 (29:38), 7:13 (36:51), 7:00 (43:51) & 6:45 (50:36) last 1.03 (6:34 pace)

* 06/18/07 - 7.03 mi. in 51:17.00 (7:18 pace) - 7:29, 7:30 (14:59), 7:17 (22:16), 7:26 (29:42), 7:19 (37:01), 7:14 (44:15) & 7:02 (51:17) last 1.03 (6:50 pace)

Past June 27th’s

Today - 7.03 mi. in 51:31 (7:20 pace) at 8:06 p.m. in San Diego (Fashion Valley: Little Friar’s); AHR: 164/MHR: 182; Weight - 185.8

2010 - Did not run (left hamstring injury)

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run (left achilles injury)

2007 - 5.36 mi. in 40:12 (7:30 pace) at 7:20 p.m. in San Diego (Fashion Valley: Louisiana + Big Block)

2006 - 6.02 mi. in 45:25 (7:33 pace) at 9:30 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: Random)

2005 - Did not run

2004 - 7.00 mi. in 48:55 (6:59 pace) at 11:35 a.m. in San Diego (Rancho Penesquitos Reserve)

2003 - Did not run

2002 - 9.28 mi. in 1:06:39 (7:11 pace) at 8:20 p.m. in Parishville (Chapel Hill Loop)

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
