Run: Morning Previous Next


7:46 AM

3.3 mi


8:24 mi


203.6 lb
163 bpm
178 bpm


72 F


5 / 10
3 / 10
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--- Just two seconds ahead of my slowest time on this loop (10th time running it) and 1:40 slower than my PR from March 25. Work is picking up, but I can't keep doing this one day on, two days off thing. I have to carve out some time to run. It's not like I'm getting out there for an hour. Hopefully next week lets up a little bit. ---

Mile splits: 8:23, 8:17 (16:39), 8:32 (25:11) and 2:42 (27:53) last 0.32 miles (8:25 pace)

Adjusted splits: 8:04, 8:16, 8:26 and 8:05 pace last 0.32 miles

Was happy to get out and run. I’ve gone through a rough stretch of work, working just under 39 hours over the last three days so it’s been hard to get out. It’s either wake up and run on 5-to-5.5 hours sleep or get that extra 1-to-1.5 hours sleep. So lately it’s been run one day, take the next two days off. I planned to run this last night after Clara went to bed but by then it was 9 and I still had to work so I bagged it until today. Said I would work until midnight, be asleep by 12:15 and wake up at 5:45 to be running by 7. Well, it ended up working until 12:40, asleep by 1 and waking up at 6:45. Planned on running the 3.33-mile Aragon loop, which is a loop I usually go fast (for me) on despite the hills. Knew going in that this wouldn’t be anywhere near fast. Actually was kind of worried about dry-heaving more just because of the lack of consistency. Knew my slowest pace for this loop was 8:25 pace on Jan. 3 when I ran it in 27:55. Didn’t really have the splits marked or the total time but knew about 8:25 pace so I wanted to stay ahead of that. Was certainly not hydrated enough going in and was really dreading even running. Did a pretty weak stretch, got my heart rate monitor right and went outside to walk around to let the Garmin find exactly where I was.

First couple of steps and my legs felt bad. Kind of tired. What the fuck? I just had two days off and had only run once in a five-day span prior to today. Why? But they gradually felt better as I kept going. Was out a little quick as I usually am with the gradual downhill start, hitting 0.25 miles in 1:55ish. Came up to Massachusetts and couldn’t cross so started up the left side, crossing much further up than I normally would. Was around 3:59 at 0.50 miles as the uphill started to get to me. Knew that I just had to get to about 0.66 miles before is started going the other way. Was breathing hard but it went by fairly quickly. Flipped that dog off that always barks at me as I picked it up slightly on gradual downhill. Didn’t feel as spry as I sometimes do here. Hit the first mile in 8:23 (8:04 adjusted), making the right on Waite as a Hispanic lady really didn’t put much effort moving off to the side for me. Just right down the pipe. Was dreading those rolling hills and the second one slowed me down big time. Was going super slow there, hitting 1.50 miles in 12:33 (8:22 pace). Made the right on Aragon and that little uphill was nothing. Didn’t really take advantage of the long downhill there. Was just kind of going with the flow. Went out in the road a few times with some dog walkers on the sidewalks. Hit the 2-mile mark in 16:39 following an 8:17 (8:16 adjusted). Got to the bottom of the hill and made the right on University. Knew the last 1.1 miles or so was a gradual uphill and wasn’t looking forward to that. I always seem to slow down on the stretch from Aragon to Massachusetts or so and this was no exception. Stopped at Massachusetts at 2.89 miles. Had the green light arrow but I learned my lesson from my last run where I almost got hit by a truck when I flew past the green light arrow while not being aware of the truck coming down the hill on Massachusetts to take a left with a green light. It ended up being a 31-second break. Felt better after that break, though, which is rare for me. Usually when I stop it only gets worse. Was at 25:11 after three miles after an 8:32 (8:26 adjusted). Struggled up to Yale and the little uphill after, but picked it up late, really the last 0.15 miles. Ran the final 0.32 miles in 2:42 (8:25 pace).

Altogether I ran the 3.32 miles today in 27:53 (8:24 pace), just two seconds ahead of my slowest time on this loop (10th time running it) and 1:40 slower than my PR from March 25. Work is picking up, but I can't keep doing this one day on, two days off thing. I have to carve out some time to run. It's not like I'm getting out there for an hour. Hopefully next week lets up a little bit.

Song(s) in my Head: n/a

Stops: 1 (2.89 - stoplight)

Dry-Heaves: 0

Times on Aragon (^ morning run; ~ ran more after)

^ 08/19/21 - 3.32 mi. in 27:53 (8:24 pace) - 8:23, 8:17 (16:39), 8:32 (25:11) & 2:42 (27:53) last 0.32 miles (8:25 pace); AHR: 163; MHR: 178; Weight - 203.6

^~ 06/09/21 - 3.31 mi. in 27:22 (8:16 pace) - 8:25, 8:06 (16:31), 8:11 (24:42) & 2:40 (27:22) last 0.31 miles (8:37 pace); AHR: 156; MHR: 172; Weight - 198.8

^~ 03/25/21 - 3.32 mi. in 26:13 (7:54 pace) - 8:10, 7:43 (15:53), 7:49 (23:42) & 2:31 (26:13) last 0.32 miles (7:53 pace); AHR: 163; MHR: 177; Weight - 198.6

^~ 01/21/21 - 3.32 mi. in 26:56 (8:07 pace) - 8:14, 8:00 (16:14), 8:04 (24:18) & 2:38 (26:56) last 0.32 miles (8:14 pace); AHR: 163; MHR: 177; Weight - 198.0

* 01/03/21 - 3.32 mi. in 27:55 (8:25 pace) - 8:19, 8:14 (16:33), 8:36 (25:09) & 2:46 (27:55) last 0.32 miles (8:40 pace); AHR: 175; MHR: 185; Weight - 199.4

^~ 10/05/20 - 3.32 mi. in 26:40 (8:02 pace) - 8:12, 7:53 (16:04), 8:02 (24:06) & 2:34 (26:40) last 0.32 miles (8:01 pace); AHR: 155; MHR: 165; Weight - 192.4

^~ 07/30/20 - 3.33 mi. in 26:50 (8:03 pace) - 8:07, 7:57 (16:04), 8:05 (24:09) & 2:41 (26:50) last 0.33 miles (8:09 pace); AHR: 161; MHR: 175; Weight - 196.4

*~ 05/10/20 - 3.33 mi. in 27:32 (8:16 pace) - 8:21, 8:03 (16:24), 8:18 (24:42) & 2:50 (27:32) last 0.33 miles (8:35 pace); AHR: 159; MHR: 168; Weight - 195.4

^~ 04/01/20 - 3.32 mi. in 27:03 (8:09 pace) - 8:18, 7:57 (16:15), 8:05 (24:20) & 2:43 (27:03) last 0.32 miles (8:29 pace); AHR: 156; MHR: 170; Weight - 197.0

* 03/12/20 - 3.33 mi. in 27:15 (8:11 pace) - 8:17, 8:10 (16:27), 8:17 (24:44) & 2:31 (27:15) last 0.33 miles (7:37 pace); AHR: 156; MHR: 177; Weight - 199.4

Past Aug. 19th’s

Today - 3.32 mi. in 27:53 (8:24 pace) (8:14 adjusted) at 7:46 a.m. in San Diego (La Mesa: Aragon); AHR: 163; MHR: 178; Weight - 203.6

2020 - 4.17 mi. in 32:51 (7:53 pace) (7:43 adjusted) at 8:09 a.m. in Manhattan Beach (Rosecrans + Laurel); AHR: 165; MHR: 182; Weight - 195.0

2019 - Did not run

2018 - Did not run

2017 - Did not run

2016 - Did not run

2015 - Did not run

2014 - Did not run

2013 - Did not run

2012 - Did not run

2011 - 4.05 mi. in 30:22 (7:30 pace) (7:27 adjusted) at 8:06 p.m. in San Diego (Mission Gorge: Chili-by-2 Loop); AHR: 164; MHR: 177; Weight - 184.4

2010 - Did not run

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - Did not run

2005 - Did not run

2004 - Did not run (plantar fasciitis)

2003 - Did not run

2002 - Did not run

2001 - n/a

2000 - n/a
