Bike or Spin: Road Bike Previous Next


28.5 mi


This one was super tough. 3490' gain total today. Did Shannon then rode Saratoga-Los Gatos out to Bohlman. Climbed all the way up Bohlman this time with a brief stop at the On Orbit intersection. I thought about doing On Orbit but with its purported 19+ % grades decided that I did not have the legs for that today. Instead I climbed all the way to the end of Bohlman which is plenty steep and long. I looked for the unpaved cut-through to Montevina Rd. but couldn't find it so I had to come back the way I came. Steep and winding descent. Yuck. Back the same way except I climbed Kennedy instead of Shannon. Glad to get up it finally. Another one to cross of the list. I will have to try the Bohlman-On Orbit combo when I gain just a bit more strength and confidence...probably after I have made a successful climb of Quimby Rd.

Checked Google maps to find cutthrough to Montevina and it looks like it occurs after the area of Bohlman that was fenced and closed off due to slide. So, this option isn't available for future reference drat it. Sure would be nice to make a loop of it.
