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13.1 mi


Diva's Half Marathon in a PW! LOL.

Ok I admit it. I was being completely silly and shallow when I signed up for this last minute. Where else can a girl race in a tutu and tiara and feel cool about it? Plus, I needed a long run and didn't feel like doing it. The race promised lots of swag and delivered! Got a huge medal, glass of champagne, feather boa, tiara, tutu, the works. I would do it again just for the swag bag -

As for the race itself. I had challenges that I didn't overcome overly well. No excuses. I need more long runs and speedwork of course.

Last weeks' 3 hill runs left my legs with no snap or power. The first 4 miles were on pace and felt ok, not great. Then I had to pee and basically lost it mentally. Stepped off the course for maybe 3-5 minutes to use a bathroom, arguing with myself whether to continue.

Whiny bitch: You worked hard this week and are tired. You should just stop and walk back.

Diva bitch: You signed up for the race to get a long run in, now do it.

Whiny bitch: But I suck and am slow.

Diva bitch: I don't fu**ing care, get back out there and HTFU. Finish the damned thing like you planned.

Diva won out temporarily and I started running again. The outbound leg by the bay was nice. The part coming back was brutal with an increasing headwind.

Whiny bitch: The wind! This is terrible. How can I keep going?

Diva bitch: Just keep running.

Whiny bitch: Why can't my legs turn over. My legs HURT. What is wrong with me? I am walking.

So it went. I walked for a bit, then started running again...then walking...then running.

Couple of gals passed me. I passed them back in the final two miles. Legs never felt good. I got a huge blood blister on my big toe. My heels did alright until the final two miles where they started to ache some. The end. ;)
