Bike or Spin: Road Bike Previous Next


29 mi


Took the usual Kennedy to Hwy 9. Legs felt ok, not spectacular which is weird considering two whole days off the bike due to trying to avoid the smoky air and being busy with other stuff.

FAIL on the On Orbit climb. :( :( Gosh that one is so hard. I got up Bohlman but the little turn off road, On Orbit has 19% grades. After having climbed half of Bohlman my legs didn't have it! I dismounted at a flatish spot and tried again after getting some water but ultimately did the walk of shame. Continued the rest of the climb up Bohlman, which isn't too bad towards the top. I will do this combo again on Sunday. Must get this one before we leave the Bay Area.

Saw several strong dudes coming down the hill. One guy admitted he turned around early because of the smoke. It was getting thicker as you got higher and closer to the Santa Cruz Mts but not nearly as bad as it has been over the past couple of days. The other ones were flying downhill, something I did not try to emulate. That road is steep and twisty and requires more caution descending. It looks like there *is* an unpaved trail at the end of Bohlman road. On the map it is supposed to lead to Montevina. Would love to check it out sometime with the 'cross bike but not sure I can fit it in.

3497' gain today so I got a good workout in anyway.
