Bike or Spin: Road Bike Previous Next


66.8 mi


15.24 mi / hr


Did the 65 mile route. Only took one wrong turn which added a little over a mile. Things are still on track for Amtrak in September. Didn't kill myself, but didn't just joyride either. Quite a few rolling hills made for 2200' elevation gain according to website. (Garmin said 3600'?) Nothing extreme but not entirely flat. Liked the route except for the cars and the stop lights...There were some nice, scenic portions and views of multi-million dollar homes. Ha. The Bianchi behaved well and didn't have any issues. I like these Pinarello bike shorts for long rides.

Fueled with 2 chocolate chip cookies at aid stations 2 and 3. The first one tasted good. Should have stuck to my original cliff bar fueling plan, but was in a hurry when I left the house so forgot to bring one. At least my stomach didn't revolt.

Got a couple of new biking HR PRs on training peaks for sustained HR 60 and 90 minutes. Progress. :)
