Bike or Spin: Road Bike Previous Next


80.5 mi


15.73 mi / hr


Last long ride before my 1st Century ride. Route was mostly all roads that I have been on before with the exception of a few connectors. Wanted to keep it simple and flatish. Ended up 3200' of gain.

House-Coleman-back roads - Coyote Creek Trail - velodrome - Yerba Buena - Mcsomething - E Capitol - Aborn - San Felipe (1st part of San Felipe was new to me) - Metcalf - Malech - Bailey -- CCT- Rest stop at Morgan Hill trailhead

41 miles or so

Thence Cochrane - Butterfield - Watsonville (this part was new) - Uvas - McKean - Camden - Los Alamitos Trail - Water stop at the Lake Almaden park 71 mile point

Finally, Coleman - some meandering around Redmond, Blossom Hill, Meridian, etc to get the final mileage.

This went well, I think. The hard parts were the climbing up the "easy" side of Metcalf after the long climb up San Felipe and the headwinds and climbing on Uvas/McKean. Also, I hate that steep descent on Metcalf. Scary. Good routing with minimal stoplights.

Ate a cliff bar at my first rest stop at the Morgan Hill trailhead, and had 3 peppermints spread throughout the ride. Refilled my water bottle in Morgan Hill and at Almaden Lake Park. My bum is sore.

Can I go 19.5 more miles next Saturday? We shall see...
