Bike or Spin: Road Bike Previous Next


10.5 mi


Weird, annoying ride. My gears keep slipping out on the big chainring. Grrr. I feel like crap today due to poor sleep again.

People are back to driving like maniacs. There were just too many cars on this loop today...people using Kennedy Shannon as a cut-through and taking out their aggression on cyclists. Also, got nearly hit by another cyclist who decided to swerve into me as I turned left onto Kennedy. Not sure what that was about, except that maybe he got mad that I turned in front of him. I signalled well before and gave a TON of room. There was no danger that we would collide. He actively sped up and then altered his path to turn towards me! Thankfully, his rage was short lived as I didn't look back and he didn't follow me up the hill. Wacko.

Then I got surprised by a runner coming up on Kennedy on the side of the road, hidden by the bushes. That wasn't his fault and I think he got caught off guard by me also. I said, "oops" and veered into the road to avoid him. Saw him coming the other way on Shannon when I rode up Shannon, so he must have been running the same loop that I was biking, in reverse.
