Run: Hills&Trails Previous Next


8 mi


A coyote (or possibly fox) was standing in the middle of Mine trail about a mile from the top. He didn't want to move and even came towards me so I turned around and went back down rather than pressing on further. It looked like there might have been some dead prey at his feet he was protecting, like a squirrel or rabbit. Other than that, an uneventful run. Didn't feel as great as I thought I would and I didn't go as far as I would have liked due equally to lack of motivation and feeling non-peppy. My HR average was the lowest it has ever been running big hills in Quicksilver and my pace wasn't fast but it wasn't totally slogging either. Was not in the mood to push hard. Yesterday had the running day off because I was finishing my recert course and needed extra time to study. It was a stressful day.
