Doggie Run: Mixed Terrain Previous Next


1.8 mi

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We braved the little dog trail in the dark pre-dawn hours and chilly weather. It was so cold I had Eddie put on his puffy coat. What a cutie. Kremlin is sub zero rated so didn't need a coat. He seemed quite happy to prance around in the crisp air. We were lucky to not see any rabbits on the trail.

Eddie did make an "escape" out of his collar when we were going up the last hill. I was marching up with Kremlin, as Eddie was dragging behind, and I noticed at the top that he just wasn't there. I was holding an empty leash! I called out to him and within 2 minutes he trotted back to us. Funny but scary because I am sure had there been something more interesting to chase, it wouldn't have been as easy to recall him.

Other than that minor mishap, it was a fun morning for everyone. :)
