Event: Year in Review Previous Next


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Total miles run in 2008: 1375.7 Mi

Total time spent running: 178:13:21

Average pace: 7:47

Well 2008 was a pretty good year in terms of running. I managed a few more miles than last year, and increased my average pace. Nice. My biggest highlight was running a PR of 3:13:14 in Xenia. I got 3rd in my age group that day which was nice.

I had a goal of running a sub 20 min 5k. I only ran one 5k on a snowy, somewhat slick New Years Day. A fun little race, and I managed 2nd in my AG, but didn't quite break the 20 min mark.

I had goals for 8k and HM, but I didn't run any other distances. It was a somewhat busy year (outside of running) and I didn't manage too many races. I did get married and move back to the Pacific NW which is cool. Also I got accepted to pharmacy school at UMB, which was pretty nice after all the work I put into applications and the PCAT. But I digress.

I didn't manage to beat my previous 50k time either. I ran the Chicago Lakefront 50k again, on only five days of rest coming off my PR in Xenia. That qualified me for the Marathon Maniacs in case i want to join. I really only ran that because Katie was running it, and i wanted to do it with her.

A month or so later I ran Sunburst in North Bend. It was a good race despite the humidity. I managed fourth in my AG which got me a race photo, which i gave to my mama. More importantly, I finished under 3:15:00 again which made me feel solid.

Portland is cool. I'm still learning some places to run, and

am planning to run the 20.09 km New Years race in Forest Grove (shooting for 1:30:00). I'm not in the best of shape right now, but oh well.

Goals for 2009:

Go running with a group.

Boston Qualify.
