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3:00 PM

2 mi


2.67 mi / hr


25 C


6 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map


With A- hiked Koko Crater up to the lookout. We made it up in about 22 mins (not really timing it) and down in about the same (going slow on the real steep part!). We both crossed that 'bridge', it wasn't scary.

Fun climb, this hike was all stairs. Beautiful view of the crater from the top.


Description from the web:

Steep, no-shade, climb to the top of Koko Head Crater that includes spectacular panoramic views of the east Honolulu shoreline, Hanauma Bay, and parts of Moloka'i. The 1,000+ step walking track consists of abandoned railroad ties that run along the crater's west side to the top of Koko Crater. The military used them previously during World War 2 as part of an incline tram to transport supplies to a lookout post at the summit. Halfway up, there is a "bridge" portion without ground beneath ~50 rail steps, but there is bypassing trail if you're scared.
