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8:01 AM

5.8 mi


16:56 mi


169.5 lb


68 F


4 / 10
9 / 10
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First trail run of 2021. At first, I felt like a fish out of water, but soon I found my "trail legs." That said, I was VERY slow, only shuffling along and of course, walking the steeper uphill portions. I intended to run only about 4 miles, but I got lost on the west loop, then came out at the north trailhead, which was not where I parked. Right near that north trailhead, I saw Don and Kris Hochmuth from our church; they were walking.

I stopped a few times: once to photograph some purple coneflowers and twice to call Wendi with progress reports.

My legs took quite a beating, but the heart and lungs were fine; in fact, my ending pulse/resp were only 144/20.

I should be able to do fine on Saturday's race, though I'll likely be the last to finish.

GPS was bad for about 10.2 minutes, where it drew a straight line. My best estimate leads me to figure that I ran 0.56 mile in that time; since the GPS logged 0.28 mile for that time, I'm adding 0.28 mile to my overall distance.
