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20.2 mi


81 F


9 / 10
7 / 10


5:00/1:30 intervals on Runkeeper. I tried to maintain that, but there were a ton of short hills and switchbacks that made it difficult.

Overall: 6

Enjoyment: 6 - While it started out fun, the up-down-up of the course and the monoteny of single-track paths with lots of roots was exhausting, It did have it's moments. With about 1 mile to go, I was dead out of energy and had been "hiking" it for several miles at this point. I was feeling low about not holding the runs, then I saw a deer, it jumped away, then turned back and just stood there watching me. After a moment, and a few snapshots, it bounded away, leaving me with a mental reminder of why I love trail running.

Experience: 6 - The weather was nice, but could have been a bit cooler. I always love trail runs, but this one kicked my ass. The last 1/4 I was only hiking, although scenic, it lost the luster after I lost the energy to maintain runs.

Effort: 9.5 - I was running on fumes to get back. The first half was great, tiring, but great. The return, not so much. I lost energy fast and it turned into a struggle to maintain running. Eventually, I caved and went with just hiking.

Pain: 3 - Pure exhaustion, feet were sore, but not blistered. My right big toe is sensitive, I potentially another gout attack (I've slacked some on the medicine the last week or two. Oops!
