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37.5 mi


23:49 mi


24 Hour Adventure Trail Race. I made it 6 loops of 6.25 miles.

Lap One - I ran with a guy and we chatted the entire time. I was doing well.

Lap Two - Ran alone, and started wearing down already. Still did fairly well.

Lap Three - Lots more walking. I was wearing thin, and the heat of the sun was getting to me.

Lap Four - Quite exhausted. walked almost all of it.

Lap Five - I took an extended break which helped. I was feeling refreshed the first half, running and strong. The back half zapped me again.

Lap Six - Anne came out to pace me. We chatted the entire loop, but walked almost all of it. I was spent.

Overall: 9

Enjoyment: 9 - I loved the race. The out and back lollipop design made for lots of racer interaction.

Experience: 8 - Excellent weather. Great support. A tough course, but enjoyable.

Effort: 9 - I had was not at full capacity for this race. Only two weeks past the Blue Ridge Marathon... legs weren't fully recovered yet.

Pain: 2 - No knee issues, but my feet were killing me. Nothing wrong, just tired.
