Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:00 PM

6.1 km


4:06 km

  • Map

<No name>


5x3min at CV

I didn't get the chance to run yesterday (I got 4 hours of sleep and I was in airports from 5 am to 11:30 pm), so today I wanted to do a little more since I took yesterday off. It turns out that going from the weather I'm used to in New York to low humidity, low 70s Alberta to humid, 85° South Carolina in the span of a week is not fun. I opted to doing 5 reps as best as I could instead of killing myself to do more.

Fun story: people ride golf carts around the place I was running around and so many people would floor it when I ran by during my fartlek lol. I guess golf carts must remain the superior mode of transportation somehow.
