Run: Walk Previous Next


7.5 km


6:00 km


Happy blizzaricane!!!

I was stuck on the worlds worst treadmill in my basement (poorly ventilated and i occasionally bump my head on the ceiling). My shins started hurting quite bad after like 10 min so i switched to walking since I knew my running form was super weird and I didn't want to hurt myself. basically today was an L.

I wish they took better care of the roads so i could have driven to RPI or hvcc or ualbany and tried to get into one of the indoor tracks there. Even my high school was closed so I couldn't jump into my sister's practice and run with the injured folk/premeet people. On the bright side, I got a nice arm day in from shoveling so much snow !!!

Tomorrow and saturday i am definitely going into the armory to run so i'm not as sad :(
