Run: Easy Previous Next


9:36 AM

4 mi


7:22 mi


149.2 lb
137 bpm
160 bpm


3 / 10
5 / 10
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Feeling easy... ready to roll!

Drove up to Burlington around 11am. Stopped in Waterbury to get icecream at Ben and Jerry's. The boys were pleased! Met up with the Hudsons and Ritondos there. Checked into the hotel around 3pm. Nicole and the boys hit the pool while I went to the expo to pick up my number with Chris and Alison. Just down the road a quarter mile and well organized; done in less than 30 minutes. Had a great dinner with all four of the families at The Barnyard Woodcrafter Pizza, also nearby in S. Burlington. Two responsible beers. "It's Complicated Being a Wizard" (BBC Williston, VT) and "Heady Topper" (both were awesome) alongside a maple drizzled bacon and apple pizza... I love Vermont.

Walked down to the bar in our hotel lobby after putting the boys to bed so we could decompress. I had some coffee... still fell asleep easily around 10:15/10:30. Didn't wake up until 2:30 (well hydrated!) then again a little after 4am... mostly awake from then on until the alarm at 5am...
