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1500 m


4:23 mi

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Good 1500 out there today. It was a small meet without a ton of competition, but we just got out there and made the most of it. It was great to just get out there and have a lot of fun with it. I think my splits were like 48 through the 3, then 66, 65, 65? All I know is that we were pretty damn even for the whole thing. I got off to a horrible start and had to fight for position for the first 300. After that I was able to settle into about 5th and then swung around into 2nd with 800 to go. After that I just kind of hung on. Really should have tried to attack more with 300 to go, but just got swallowed up a bit. It was a great learning experience though, learning how to position and attack again in a shorter race. Also, breaking through the 4:30 barrier that has been hanging over my head since JUNIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL felt so freaking good. Damn. It's crazy how some barriers are just a bitch to get through. Going through 2 consecutive seasons where I really didn't come close to that makes it even sweeter. On to the next one though. Time to go sub 4 in the 1500 later this year!



Hell yeah man!! those are some sexy splits

Noah Schiller

Atta kid. You're putting it all together!


Thanks dudes