Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


8:28 mi

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<No name>


2 mile warm-up, Started the tempo feeling pretty darn good. Was about a half mile in when a bull moose ran across my path about 50 yards up. Definitely a legit reason to pause a tempo run, though I wished it was mile 5 when I felt like death and not when I was fresh in mile 1! Splits were: 7:53, 8:01, 7:50, 8:09, 8:00, 8:00. Stopped at mile 3 to rest for 30 seconds. Felt much stronger than last week's tempo where I only managed to do 5 miles. Beat yesterday by a mile! Still was a struggle, especially the last 3 miles. But I am seeing noticeable improvement from where I started, which is what I hoped given I hadn't done any tempo work in 16 months.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

1.5 WU

6 @ 8:00

1.5 CD
