Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:25 AM

90.2 mi


19.35 mi / hr


142 bpm
170 bpm


80 F
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Rode loop out past Gnat Hill Rd,back to Gowen then to Old Busy Branch, through to UTSI loop, back down Rifle Range rd, Spring Street, by Rec Ctr, then back home. Did out and back on Matts Hollow to make it 90 miles.

Temp started at about 75 and 100% humidity, finished at about 86 deg, 100 deg heat index.

Drank 1 cup of coffee, and took 2 thermotabs.

Started with 1 bottle (3 scoops) perpetuem, 1 bottle water. Stopped at mile 25 to refill both bottles (both were empty)

Put Nuun tab in one bottle. Had two hammer gels (vanilla) and 28 pretzel sticks (110 calories). Stopped at mile 55.

[405 cal perpetuem, 200 cal gels, 110 cal pretzels =715 calories in about 2:51.

Filled both bottles with water. Put 4 scoops perpetuem in one. Drank water and perpetuem to finish out ride (540 cal)

Ride felt pretty good considering it was 20 miles longer than I've ever ridden and it was very hot.

Started at 176.6 (which seemed heavy, especially in the morning, but I weighed 3 times and got the same thing.

Weighed 170.8 when I finished.

Was into a headwind for a lot of the section between mile 25 and about 40.
