Bike: Easy Previous Next


10:09 AM

49 mi


17.48 mi / hr


158 bpm
184 bpm


36 F
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First ride with Highland Rim bike club. They call this a "shootout". We rode easy some (not a lot), followed by fast bursts. I learned to ride in a pace line. David S., Geody, Dan, and I were waiting on someone and got separated from the group. I listened to what they told me about pulling, dropping back in, pace, etc. and we rotated pulling. The group came into sight and Geody said not to try to catch them all at once (which is what I tend to do), so we gradually pulled them in little. Once they saw us, we started redlining. I'm amazed how fast we could go in a paceline... 31 mph, 29 mph, 27 mph was the final 3 mile splits as we caught up to the other group and passed them, beating them to to the next stopping point. Man that was fun! Got my HR to within 1 beat of my max. Never been that close on a bike! Great ride!
