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9:50 AM

110 mi


20.11 mi / hr


142 bpm
154 bpm
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Planned on riding outside, but woke up to 45 deg F and 14 mph wind, so resorted to Computrainer.

187 Watt Avg, Avg 65 RPM cadence.

Didn't eat very good last night and my legs felt it a little bit late in the ride.

Had cup of coffee, two oatmeal cream pies (340 cal.) before riding,

First hour, half bottle of perpetuem (~200 cal), oatmeal cream pie (170 cal),

2nd hour had gel (100 cal) half bottle perpetuem (200 cal) and bottle of water

3rd hour felt like I needed electrolytes, so took endurolyte, gel, half bottle perpetuem,

4th hour half bottle perpetuem, used electrolyte tablet (like Nuun) mixed with water,

5th hour oatmeal cream pie, gel, then another oatmeal cream pie (this was in a little more than an hour)

Total calories 1620, total fluids, 7.5 bottles x ~20 oz = ~ 150 oz.

Weighed 166.4 after ride, so lost 3.6 lbs of fluids.
