Bike: flat Previous Next


6:00 AM

200 mi


17.04 mi / hr


70 F
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stepping into the known unknown for me. what's fucked is what i am going to try to do will actually be a sprint compared to the many others taking place that week. i don't know if that kind of thinking will help or belittle. perhaps i shouldn't think at all but i guess that's how it all starts.

this here was good in that i had to constantly pedal the entire time at a flat...i at least know what i can expect from doing that. it's not good after what i am more used to...which is 6-7ish hours. i guess it is just like any bump up workout though...and we've all been there. this is just the same thing and i'll relax to the beat of that.

i didn't want this to be done inside but there was no other way this week and it needed to get done cause i am running out of time.

i can't believe i spent just under 12 hours on a spinner.
