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11:45 AM

5000 yd


2:01 / 100yd


83 F


by the time this came i was very sugar hungry and my arms and legs had that dull ache they get when they need some fuckin food...well tough shit! chill out...that's what this is about!

ooof...then half way i get tag teamed by 2 orcas on each side (male and female) they were taunting me, trying to psych me out. well then i just about had enough of that and i started pounding stokes and kicking like a floored prop turns. i was hitting the walls like the incredible hulk lands on a 20 foot jump. i only lasted not more than 4 laps but when i finally slowed to survey the place, i was alone. it took me 150 yds. just to catch my breath back but when i did, i had myself an underwater chuckle before i went back to sleep.
