Health: Blood test #7 Previous Next


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Have a share here. Another waiting room scene. I really should be taping these...haha. anyways...there was this very aged but fit old guy there in the waiting room sitting across from me where I sat. Because of my out pouring of positive...the man felt it safe to share a joke that was very clever and worth a giggle and a Cuch smile. This prompted him to tell another...which was equally just as clever so I rewarded him again with a giggle and smile. This prompted him yet again and for this joke, it required some fancy foot work. I then laughed pretty good and thanked him for being such a comedian. He then told me he used to do stand up many years ago down in Boston. Then he says how much he believes in our father and in faith and all this. And again, I give him a smile. He then walks over to me and shows me an army pin that Washington sent him for being in the service for 37 whatever years. I shook his hand and thanked him for his service...and then I was called in for draw. Walking away I knew that I had just been love bombed by a 87 year old man. Don't know what that is? Look it up.
