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3:45 PM

2 mi


2.95 mi / hr


60 F


1 / 10
1 / 10
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showing flash my slower than ultra pace while d ran ahead. d is definately better off without his mother.

had an interesting talk though. maybe this is just spew, but i think flash is thinking that he may want to slow down, relax and actually start enjoying his hobby, concentrate on longer stuff and even maybe do other whacked out adventures that have nothing to do with "competition", which was strange for me to hear from someone who does so well at what he does, maybe even eye-opening.

we are all just addicts that are constantly in search of a hit. when we tire of the current state we are in that used to be our high, we consume more...forever chasing the perception of bigger and better. it never ends...for if it does, we're dead.

i wish i was going to be there for the st. thomas name - corey ulrich. hardy har-har-har.
