Event: Hinder - better than me Previous Next


12:00 PM

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Fumble-able. This song is a bit of a challenge for me. Certain parts...causes strain in my neck...throat...somewhere but fun for me to play even if it is not auditably pleasant for any that are in ear shot. Honestly if I look at it...I can't judge myself cause just that fact that it is even happening is fucking amazing. And I realize now that opinions I make on it are influenced upon the bigger better nowing of what I have seen and heard others do. If I was the first ever to play anything on guitar...my opinions would be very high. That is what collective progress is. And like progress, all opinions are to be a very temporary state...so there is no true meaning in them. What is true is the act of it right now...and that is all. Just the act right this second. Truth stops when thinking about it begins.

This can be transferred out to running or anything else too.
