Run: unrun Previous Next


1:00 PM

5.1 mi


14:27 mi


62 F
  • Map

RR south


Spent all morning trying to figure out "your decision"...this will take more than a few days to learn to fumble through but doable...eventually...even with the road maps that the internet provides...I find it all a challenge which is good cause I can't possibly ever run out of songs to learn. I can however run out of desire to learn songs just as I can get bored fumbling over and practicing already learned songs as my ability seems to only get to that fumbling stage and then get no better as a whole. Proficient at everything...master of nothing. It is a curse really.

Oops...Anyways...the ice is just about all gone. What a difference 24 hours of warm makes. Only a couple of places where being on ice was no the powerlines and then after the water crossing. The rest was all completely runnable out 2.5 miles from the ssyaa field. This was mostly jogged...and the 3rd unrun in a row where I had no desire to listen to my mp3...but rather listening to anything else. Totally unlike me...not sure what is going on there as it always seemed needed or rather perferred. could be bored of hearing it...maybe, whatever. Today I heard emerging frogs...and squirrels rustling off to the side...birds...and then the rain. It was pretty great.
