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9:16 AM

20.4 mi


10:12 mi


70 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
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fastasy island

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at mile 2.5 he rounded the cornah...big, black with long hair of silk flowin in waves which seemed in slow motion. i stopped as he came to a halt before me, lowerin his head. i approached him and looked in his soft brown eyes as i pulled his hair away and accepted the invitation. grabbin a fist full of silk i flung a leg over his back and he whipped around. holdin tight with my hands and huggin his massive girth he took off and i could feel all his powah, feet smashin the ground like thundah, we moved as one. we rode all day...through endless flowery meadows. then there was a soft hum...and i knew our time was up. roundin that same cornah, he came to a halt and let me down. i came around front and cupped his cheeks and gave him a kiss. he backed away and left the same way he came...then he was gone and i ran the last 2.5 miles of my run.

bloody pee - pretty bad in my opinion. probably cause i've nevah seen it like that before. i'm sure it will stop.
