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9:00 AM

210 mi


30 mi / hr


30 F
  • Map

Its 86 loop


With c and Roger. Good ride with only one whooped out section about 35 miles long. Some poor fuck lost his wallet on trail...c hit it and sent literally 100s of dollars into the air scattering them all over the trail. Stopped picked up what we found and Roger left it with shin pond and left messages for the owner. I bet the owner of that had a few moments of panic when he realized it was gone.

Starting up again after money pick up, my sled started going into retard mode as it was almost out of gas...I think that's why it was doing that. Then it started counting up miles I had gone since that was triggered so I would know how far I went on fumes. Crazy technology they have on these stupid toys. Lucky we were close to shin pd. and gassed up there.

I was beat up by the time we got home.
