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10:00 AM

50 mi


18.18 mi / hr


17 F
  • Map

hebron, me


c felt so bad at the beating bessy gave me , he went out and bought me a new toy so i won't have to struggle to kept up and play with myself in the back. now i'll be able to kept up with the big boys as miss apex is a screamer, a lot of rocket for my crotch and she's easy. yup she'll get me there in no time. now i need a game name for her. sorry bessy...i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to leave.

this was a kids ride...with lots of time on the goat path so it was quite slow. on the way back to storekeepers is when i gave it to her and left everyone. had her up to 105 and she still wanted more. can't wait to get up north where we can get better aquainted. <-god i hope reading makes me a better speller.
