Bike: kindah hahd Previous Next


6:30 PM

20 mi


23.95 mi / hr


64 F
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fun at home


after i ate. now that my knee can handle this, it is time to start reintroducing work to the fast twitch muscles. kinda felt like my legs were going to snap off at the hips here.

i did notice something else. i have those caged pedals on spinner. when pedalling really fast, i found that loss of control feeling when i allowed my foot to fly just outside the circumferance of the rotating confines of the pedal. by staying inside those confines, i felt i could pedal faster with more control and not get that "skip" of the foot while rounding the top of the up stroke. clip on pedals help keep your foot in place and i really noticed it here...guess i never really thought about it in this instance. i figure with secure feet, you'll increase the length of time to your current ability to hammer down hill with unsecure feet allowing faster speeds on the downs. i could get clipped pedals for spinning...but i think that manually keeping foot in place will make me stronger to hold my shit together when i take it outside.

wow...that's a lot of common sense thinking i just did. duh-hilt.
