grunt work: Default Previous Next


2:00 PM

46 mi


9.2 mi / hr


yamaha apex


-8 F
  • Map


call this a fuckin bull ride w/pete. well it started nice and groomed and then it wasn't and we all got stuck about 12 times and each time required lots of lifting and digging out and holy fuck. c rolled petes sled trying to turn around and got stuck in a trench and that stunt took about 30 minutes. by then it got dark so we were trying to get home and nothing was groomed or even ridden on yet so we were having a hell of a time finding where the trail went till finally pete led us all into no mans land and we were all stuck in a x-mas tree farm or some shit. pete says fuck this and gets on the phone to call his wife and saying we were in the middle of fuckin nowhere and had no clue where to fuckin go and to call the groomer guys to come save our fucked asses. well they were in ass deep in sauce but decided to put the glasses down and put their bibs on and come get us the fuck outa there. pete told them where he thought we were and it was in short time that they came with their sled that are made for deep powder where ours are not. we went to their farm where we all got warmed up. marion came with the truck and picked dom up and brought him home with her. she was fucking pissed. after pete had a couple drinks one of the guys lead us back out to gallagers where it was smooth sailing from there. this ride should have only taken an hour and a half+. never had to be rescued before. way to bring in the new year. we are breaking d in hard.
