Bike: kindah hahd Previous Next


9:19 AM

72.1 mi


17.15 mi / hr


70 F
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slick's a-cup

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went out w/slick on his flat course he mapped out. real nice ride that i couldn't really recall being there before in most spots so it was like new. had a couple of sugar drops but was able to fix it fairly quickly.

interesting things to note here are; riding with a faster person increased my speed by >1 mph (like 16 minutes) from the 70 mile ride i did on my own a week ago. i had no neck problems this time. i wished i had more time cause i had no desire to stop.

shame the season is just about done...feel like things should be just getting started here. not looking forward to spinning inside all winter to keep a maintenance base.

4000+ miles accounted for miles on bike.
